My Workplay on Docker and Kubernetes. Ref :
My Workplay on docker
docker run
:- runs a command in a new container . docker run = docker create + docker start
docker run -p <localhostport>:<containerport> <imagename/id>
:- running on ports
docker ps
:- to list all the running containers
docker ps --all
:- list all the container ever created
docker system prune
:- to delete all the containers ever created along with some other properties
docker logs <container-id>
:- to get the logs
docker start
:- start stopped container
docker stop
:- stop the container - gets a sigterm message - terminate signal
docker kill
:- kills the container or stops the container instantly
docker exec -it <container id> <command>
:- Execute an additional command in container. -it
makes us to provide the input. -it equivalent to -i -t
docker exec -it <container id> sh
:- provides access to the terminal inside the context of the container
docker build .
:- build an image from a Docker file
docker-compose up
:- aggregates the output of each container. Similar to docker run myimage
docker-compose up --build
:- similar to docker build and docker run. Rebuilds the container after making any changes to the file
docker-compose up -d
:- starts the containers in the background and leaves them running
docker-compose down
:- stops the running containers at the same time
docker-compose ps
:- show the status of the containers
docker commit
:- manual image generation
docker build -f <filename> .
:- to run a dockerfile with some different name
docker pull
:- pulls an image from registry
docker push
:- pushes an image to registry
docker search
:- search for an image in Docker Hub
docker history
:- shows the history of the image
docker info
:- shows system wide information
docker rm
:- remove one or more containers
docker rmi
:-remove one or more images
docker pause
:- pauses all processes within one or more containers
docker unpause
:- unpause all processes within one or more containers
What is Kubernetes - System for running many different containers over multiple different machines
Why Kubernetes - When you need to run many different containers with different images
Install kubectl - cli to interact with master
Install a VM driver virtual box - make VM which will be our single node
Install minikube - runs a single node on that vm
:- use for managing containers in the node
:- use for managing the VM itself (Local Only)
minikube start
:- to start the minikube
Docker Compose | Kubernetes |
Each entry can optionally get docker compose to build an image | Kubernetes expects all images to already be built |
Each entry represents a container we want to create | One config file per object we want to create |
Each entry defines the n/w requirements (Ports) | We have to manually sets up all n/w |
Get a simple container running on our local K8s cluster running
Make sure our image is hosted on docker hub
Make one config file to create the container
Make one config file to setup n/w
Config file used to create Objects for example StatefulSet, ReplicaController, Pod, Service. Object will serve different functionalities like running container, monitoring a container, setting up nw etc.
Pods :- Runs one or more closely related containers
Services :- Sets up networking in K8S cluster. There are 4 subtypes
kubectl apply -f <fileNamePath>
:- feed a config file to kubectl
kubectl get pods
:- prints the status of all running pods
kubectl get services
:- prints the status of all running services
minikube ip
:- to get the ip of the VMImportant Takeaways |
Kubernetes is a system to deploy containerized apps |
Nodes are individual machines or vm's that run containers |
Masters are machines or vm's with a set of programs to manage nodes |
Kubernetes didn't build our images - it got them from somewhere else |
Kubernetes (the master) decided where to run each container - each node can run a dissimilar set of containers |
To deploy something, we update the desired state of the master with a config file |
The master works constantly to meet you desired state |
kubectl describe <ObjectType> <ObjectName>
:- describes the logs about the specified object type and nameLimitations on Updating Config file |
Can only change spec.containers[*].image |
Can only change spec.initContainers[*].image |
Can only change spec.activeDeadlineSeconds |
Can only change spec.tolerations |
Pods | Deployment |
Run a single set of containers that are very close | Run a set of identical pods (one or more) |
Good for one-off dev purposes | Monitors the state of each pod updating as necessary |
Rarely used directly in production | Good for dev and production |
kubectl delete -f <configfile>
:- remove an object (like an imperative update)
kubectl get deployments
:- prints the status of the deploymentManually delete pods to get the deployment to recreate them with the latest version but deleting pods manually seems silly(bad idea)
Tag images with real version number and specify them in config file but it adds an extra step in the production deployment process(no friendly)
Use an imperative command to update the image version the deployment must use also not the best solution we can say
kubectl set image <objectType> / <objectName> <containerName> = <newImageToUse>
:- Imperative command to update the image
eval $(minikube docker-env)
- this only configures your current terminal window ie this is not permanent and have to rerun the same command everytime if we close the terminal windowminikube docker-env
#produces the following output
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://ip:2376"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="path"
# To point your shell to minikube's docker-daemon, run:
# eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
For example kubectl logs
or kubectl exec -t sh to enable a shell etc.
Manually kill containers to test Kubernetes self heal
Delete cached images in the node (docker system prune -a
Create config file for each service and deployment
Test locally on minikube
Setup github/travis flow to build images and deploy
Deploy app to cloud provider
ClusterIp exposes a set of pods to other objects inside the cluster and no outside world
NodePort exposes a set of pods to the outside world and good for dev purposes only.
Here we need to give ---
3 consecutive dashes to separate them
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: server-deployment
replicas: 3
component: server
component: server
- name: server
image: imageName
- containerPort: 5000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: server-cluster-ip-service
type: ClusterIP
component: server
- port: 5000
targetPort: 5000
When we have a pod with Postgres container or any other db container and if it crashes, then the pod will be deleted will be deployment
When the new pod gets created with the postgres container, then there will be no data and all the previous data will be lost which is a big issue
So we use volume to store these data which will be persistent and if our pod crashes, the data will not be lost as the volumes will be on the host machine
VOlume is an object that allows a container to store data at the pod level
Volume resides inside a pod
If a postgres container inside the pod gets failed, the container can restart and get back the data that are stored from the volume
But if there occurs a case where the whole pod gets deleted, then the whole volume gets destroyed
Even after the pod restarts or the deployment restarts, the data will be lost
Data is stored at the pod level and data is lost when the pod crashes
Data is stored outside the pod level and data is not lost when pod crashes or pod is deleted
Persistent Volume Claim is like advertisement options saying these much storage option is available
So based on these advertisement like things, we write the config file and specify we need these much amount of storage and feed it into kubectl
Now our salesperson which is the Kubernetes, looks into the statically provisioned persistent volume and see if it can meet the required storage which is requested.
If it met that, then the storage is provided, other wise, the required storage will be made available by dynamically provisioned persistent volume
ReadWriteOnce:- can be used by a single node
ReadOnlyMany:- multiple nodes can read from this
ReadWriteMany:- can be read and written to by many nodes
kubectl get storageclass
:- tells about the storage class option available
kubectl describe storageclass
:- describes about the storage class
kubectl get pv
:- gets all the persistent volume
kubectl get pvc
:- gets all the persistent volume claim
Securely stores a piece of information in the cluster such as a database password or any other sensitive information
kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal key=value
kubectl get secrets
- to get the list of created secrets
Exposes a set of services to the outside world
So we sets up config as Ingress routing rules to get traffic to services and feed to kubectl
Then a controller for our ingress in created
After that a pod running nginx that handles routing in generated
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube dashboard
:- to open up the minikube dashboard in the default browser
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app ruby:2.4 sh
:- to start the ruby image and start shell
gem install travis
:- installs the travis
travis login
:- to login to the travis account
travis encrypt-file service-account.json -r githubusername/repo
:- to encrypt the file